The Torrent (poem by Jenny Joseph) (2012) narrator, SATB madrigal group or choir & piano, 9 min
What of That (4 poems by Emily Dickinson) (2010) singer/narrator & SA chorus 6 min CLICK TO LISTEN
Waddaya Want for Christmas? (2008) narrator, SATB chorus & piano 4 min. CLICK TO LISTEN
Two Feasts (2007) SATB choir a cappella 4 min.
A Bucket of Stones (2007) (the woman taken in adultery) CLICK TO LISTEN
SATB choir a cappella, 4 soloists & bucket 8 min.
We Do Not Walk Alone (2006) (poem by Richard Leach) SAB choir a cappella 3 min.
We Are Not Robins (2005) (poem by Richard Leach) (commissioned by the Gregg Smith Singers
for their 50th anniversary) SATB chorus & piano 4 min. published by API Music AP10011 CLICK TO LISTEN
Pastorale (2005) (choral setting of a poem by Richard Leach, accompanied by the "Pastoral Symphony"
from Handel's "Messiah") SATB chorus & piano 4 min. published by API Music AP10012 CLICK TO LISTEN
The Man From Downstairs (2004) (story in the life of David Messer) SATB chorus a cappella 6 min.
Body Bombs and Bloody Blooms (2003) (poem by Gerald Rich)
(a piece on the subject of suicide bombers) SSATBB chorus a cappella 8 min.
An Empty Swing (2002) (a lesson on assertiveness for the young or not-so) CLICK TO LISTEN
narrator, SATB chorus a cappella 5 min.
Calculus of the Rose (2000) (poem by Gerald Rich) SSAA chorus, a cappella 2 min.
O.D. (1999) (poem by Gerald Rich) SATB chorus, a cappella 8 min. CLICK TO LISTEN
recorded on Living Artists, published by API Music AP10013
Tides (1997) (poem by Jenny Joseph) SATB chorus, a cappella 5 min.
Skipping Song (1995) (poem by Jenny Joseph) canon for 2-part women's chorus or solo, a cappella 4 min.
The Sky, The Frog & The Banquet (1994) (3 parables in monody) 2-part chorus, a cappella 9 min.
General Observations on Singing (1993) SATB chorus & piano 6 min.
published by Lawson-Gould 52670
Ave Maria (1981) SATB chorus & piano 3 min. published by Lawson-Gould M70-304
Usefulness of N.Y. Philharmonic Programs (1979) SATB chorus & piano 3 min.
published by Lawson-Gould M70-305
We Are Thieves (1978) (spatial piece) 16 SATB solo voices & one hand piano 8 min.
Three Songs About the Resurrection (1972) Chrissy, Mary Magdalene at the Tomb, Levels
SATB quartet, a cappella 7 min. “highly dramatic” -- NY Times