The Torrent (poem by Jenny Joseph) (2012)  narrator, SATB madrigal group or choir & piano, 9 min


What of That (4 poems by Emily Dickinson) (2010)  singer/narrator & SA chorus 6 min CLICK TO LISTEN

Waddaya Want for Christmas? (2008)  narrator, SATB chorus & piano 4 min. CLICK TO LISTEN

Two Feasts (2007)  SATB choir a cappella 4 min.

A Bucket of Stones (2007) (the woman taken in adultery) CLICK TO LISTEN

SATB choir a cappella, 4 soloists & bucket 8 min.

We Do Not Walk Alone (2006) (poem by Richard Leach) SAB choir a cappella 3 min.

We Are Not Robins (2005) (poem by Richard Leach) (commissioned by the Gregg Smith Singers

for their 50th anniversary) SATB chorus & piano 4 min. published by API Music AP10011 CLICK TO LISTEN

Pastorale (2005) (choral setting of a poem by Richard Leach, accompanied by the "Pastoral Symphony"

from Handel's "Messiah") SATB chorus & piano 4 min. published by API Music AP10012 CLICK TO LISTEN

The Man From Downstairs (2004) (story in the life of  David Messer) SATB chorus a cappella 6 min.

Body Bombs and Bloody Blooms (2003) (poem by Gerald Rich)

(a piece on the subject of suicide bombers) SSATBB chorus a cappella 8 min.

An Empty Swing (2002) (a lesson on assertiveness for the young or not-so) CLICK TO LISTEN

narrator, SATB chorus a cappella 5 min.

Calculus of the Rose (2000) (poem by Gerald Rich) SSAA chorus, a cappella 2 min.

O.D. (1999) (poem by Gerald Rich) SATB chorus, a cappella 8 min. CLICK TO LISTEN

recorded on Living Artists,  published by API Music AP10013

Tides (1997) (poem by Jenny Joseph) SATB chorus, a cappella 5 min.

Skipping Song (1995) (poem by Jenny Joseph) canon for 2-part women's chorus or solo, a cappella 4 min.

The Sky, The Frog & The Banquet (1994) (3 parables in monody) 2-part chorus, a cappella 9 min.

General Observations on Singing (1993) SATB chorus & piano 6 min.

published by Lawson-Gould 52670

Ave Maria (1981) SATB chorus & piano 3 min. published by Lawson-Gould M70-304

Usefulness of N.Y. Philharmonic Programs (1979) SATB chorus & piano 3 min.

published by Lawson-Gould M70-305

We Are Thieves (1978) (spatial piece) 16 SATB solo voices & one hand piano 8 min.

Three Songs About the Resurrection (1972) Chrissy, Mary Magdalene at the Tomb, Levels

SATB quartet, a cappella 7 min. “highly dramatic” -- NY Times


Whose Voice Is Mine (2013) baritone & prerecorded baritone voice 9 min.

Stalin and the Little Girl (AN ICON) (2012) unaccomp. bass-baritone 9 min. CLICK TO LISTEN

Flying (2012) voice & piano 7 min. CLICK TO LISTEN

...but to continue... (2011) soprano solo & 2 pianos 1 min.

Who Are You Waving At? (2011) unaccompanied soprano solo 1 min.

Let’s Talk (2010) soprano & piano 15 min CLICK TO LISTEN

Songs of the 3 Miriams (2006) unaccompanied high soprano 9 min. CLICK TO LISTEN

finalist in Sacred Voice 2007 Competition

Inner Voices (2005) (three hymn-poems by Richard Leach) low voice & piano 8 min.

(4-part instrumental chorales with only alto part sung) finalist in 2006 Susan Galloway Sacred Song Competition

Acts of Kindness (2005) chaconne variations in seven songs based on true stories CLICK TO LISTEN

solo voice (high or medium) & piano 15 min. finalist in 2006 N.A.T.S. song cycle competition

The Child in the Hole (2002)  soprano & clarinet 14 min. CLICK TO LISTEN

recorded on Capstone,  “the emotional centerpiece of the evening” --THE STAR-LEDGER

Handkerchief, Cross & Bread (2000) tenor & string bass 9 min

(true stories of a little girl growing up in Bavaria during World War II)

Echoes From War (1999) (poems by Gerald Rich on World War II experiences) bass & piano 11 min.

Some Things That Haydn Said (1998) soprano & clarinet 6 min. CLICK TO LISTEN

recorded on Capstone

Alice (2002) Ruth (2000) Daddy Verne (1998) soprano & piano, 15 min

(true stories of three people in the life of Linda Fulton Ferreira) recorded on Capstone

Four Poems by Jenny Joseph (1996-97) medium voice & piano 12 min. CLICK TO LISTEN

("False Postulate", "An Exile in Devon", "Marching Song" & "Man in a bar")

unaccompanied people (1993) (5 songs: "Nadine", "Bach", "Ed", "Stella" & "Me")

unaccompanied voice (can be sung in any range) 15 min. CLICK TO LISTEN

recorded on Capstone,   published by Laurendale Associates vs-1001

Benalisa (1992) (little girl adopted from Manila streets) soprano & piano 4 min. CLICK TO LISTEN

217 Small Songs (1971-73) voice & piano

Fifty Unaccompanied Songs (1966) unaccompanied voice

“The movement between speaking and singing fascinated me.” --ELLIOT CARTER


Preghiera (2013) soprano, mezzo-soprano & clarinet 4 min.

Play on Words (2012) viola & piano 4 min.

A Victim Becomes a Victor (2012) 2 trombones 8 min.

An Old Ukrainian Woman Told this Story (2011) narrator & toy piano or regular piano 5 min.

The First Pharaoh (2011) trombone, narrator & piano 4 min.

One Day As I Was Walking (2011) trombone, narrator & piano 5 min.

Life’s Like a Flute, Life’s Like a Trumpet (2011) voice, flute & trumpet 5 min. CLICK TO LISTEN

In the Spotlight (2011) narrator, flute, clarinet & piano 15 min. CLICK TO LISTEN

The Pelican (2010) tenor, bass clarinet/clarinet, string quartet & piano 15 min. CLICK TO LISTEN

Elsje Christiaens (the front view) (after Rembrandt) (2010) soprano & clarinet 8 min

Mark 5:21-43 (2010) narrator, flute & piano 7 min. CLICK TO LISTEN

Road Rage (2010) tenor, clarinet & LH piano, double bass(or tenor, piano & db) 8 min. CLICK TO LISTEN

Made in the Image of God (2010) narrator, clarinet, marimba, piano & timpani 7 min. CLICK TO LISTEN

Public Domain (2009) narrator & piano 7 min. CLICK TO LISTEN

Duck Girl (an imaginary interview with Ruthie Moulon, the duck girl of New Orleans) (2009)

soprano, narrator, 2 clarinets, 2 violins, viola, doublebass, piano & harp 14 min. CLICK TO LISTEN

Emmanuel Changed (2009) narrator, saxophone & piano 7 min.

Raspberry Man (2008) narrator/singer, flute, clarinet, 2 pianos, 2 percussionists 6 min.

or narrator/singer, flute, clarinet & piano 6 min. CLICK TO LISTEN

Now Shall My Head Be Lifted Up Above My Enemies (Danny Velasco’s testimony)

(2007) brass quintet 9 min. CLICK TO LISTEN

Christ and His Bride (lovers' quarrel for flute and viola) (2006) based on J.S. Bach's "Cantata No. 140"

flute & viola 9 min.

What the Angel Said to Me, What the Angel Sang for Me,

                      What the Angel Danced With Me (2006) harp solo 8 min.

The Violinist in the Mall (2004) violin & piano 7 min. CLICK TO LISTEN

winner of 2005 Friends and Enemies of New Music Competition


violin, 'cello & piano 18 min.

Winds Would (2002) woodwind quintet 10 min. CLICK TO LISTEN

winner of 2007 Quintet Attacca Call for Scores

Three Wells Genesis 16:19-22 (2002) (CONTENTION, ENMITY, BROAD PLACES) brass quintet 10 min.

The Eagle Who Was Raised as a Chicken (2000) baritone, soprano, clarinet & piano 18 min.

Sammy Says (1993) (a two-year-old boy talking to his father) solo marimba/narrator 6 min

The 34 Days of John Paul I (1978) flute, clarinet & bassoon 7 min.

Lucy (1977-78) (a melodrama for unaccompanied clarinet & narrator) clarinet, narrator

More Than Conquerors (1975) (a narrative on the life of Corrie ten Boom) CLICK TO LISTEN

baritone, clarinet in A & piano 24 min. "a music triumph" --Howard Klein

Little Picture Musics (1974) clarinet, percussion, piano, viola & narrator 14 min.


It Takes A Long Time to Grow Up in NJ (2013) concert band & narrator, soloist & orchestra 10 min.

Five Strange Dreams of Philip Carey (2011) (texts by Philip Carey) soprano soloist, baritone soloist & orchestra 9 min.

How the Lord’s Prayer Sounds, How the Lord’s Prayer Feels (2010) orchestra 1 min.

An Empty Swing (2009) (a lesson for young audiences on assertiveness) narrator & chamber orchestra 6 min.

Conflicts Within an Orchestra (2004) orchestra

(1. Political Argument, 2. Angry Timpani, 3. Weed in Highway) orchestra 11 min.

The Inland Sea (1997) (poem by Jenny Joseph) CLICK TO LISTEN

narrator & string orchestra 10 min.

Four Poems by Gerald Rich (1995-96) narrator & orchestra 12 min.

("Haitian Sunrise", "For Martin Buber" "Danger: Television at Work" & "OD')

Betty Sings 3 Holy Nights (1994) CLICK TO LISTEN

(a soprano sings the familiar carol at three stages of her life) soprano & orchestra 14 min.

Beautiful Savior (1994) string orchestra 7 min.

A More Perfect Union (1988) (selections from the U.S. Constitution) narrator & concert band

When You Walk Through the Fire (1978) baritone solo & chamber orchestra

(a narrative of a survivor of the Tenerife airport disaster, Norman Williams)

The Likelihood of a War with China (1970) baritone solo & orchestra

Symphony on "The Bridegroom Soon Shall Call Us" (1967) tenor solo & orchestra

Whose Voice is Mine (2013) baritone & prerecorded baritone 9 min

Let’s Talk (2010) soprano & piano 15 min

Duck Girl (an imaginary interview with Ruthie Moulon, the duck girl of New Orleans) (2009)

soprano, narrator, 2 clarinets, 2 violins, viola, doublebass, piano & harp 14 min CLICK TO LISTEN

A Bucket of Stones (2007) (the woman taken in adultery) CLICK TO LISTEN

SATB choir a cappella, 4 soloists & bucket 8 min.

Hail to the Chief (2002)(Inauguration Day 1921) soprano, recorder/flute, glockenspiel/timpani, violin 10 min.

Who's to Blame? (1995) (psychodrama) 2 sopranos, alto, tenor, bass & piano 12 min.

Janet's Letter (1990-91) (an operatic setting of an actual letter of a recently divorced woman)

1 or 2 sopranos, 1 or 2 baritones, actor, flute/piccolo, piano & 'cello 50 min.

“a beautiful and original work” --SPLINTER PRODUCTIONS

The Heavenly Child (1982) (an opera in monody) soprano, baritone, boy soprano, tenor

The Witnesses (1980) two sopranos, tenor, baritone & piano

(the true story of a pastor who was forced to shoot two women from his church in China)

Psychic Phenomena (1973) (an opera written during the transition in my life to becoming a Christian)

eight singers & piano

Couple Anywhere (1973) soprano, baritone & piano


                       (The music listed below is more of a “commercial” than an “art” style of music.)

I Don’t Like Music! SAB chorus, piano

But the Dog Really Did Eat My Homework! two-part treble chorus, piano CLICK TO LISTEN

published by Heritage Music 15/2005H  JW Pepper Editor’s Choice

The Kid With the Surprising Sneeze (based on Haydn's "Surprise Symphony") CLICK TO LISTEN

two-part treble chorus, piano published by Heritage Music 15/1829H JW Pepper Editor’s Choice

Ezekiel! (arrangement of "EZEKIEL SAW THE WHEEL" and "DRY BONES" CLICK TO LISTEN

two-part treble chorus, piano published by Heritage Music 15/19927H  JW Pepper Editor’s Choice

Look Inward and Change Your World 8 songs & skits about 7 essential virtues chorus & piano

(based on "Building Moral Intelligence" by Dr. Michele Borba)

Two Jests for Fun CLICK TO LISTEN


two-part treble chorus, piano published by Heritage Music 15/16454H  JW Pepper Editor’s Choice

Ah Robin (Cornyshe, arrangement) three-part treble chorus, 3 clarinets published by Lawson-Gould M70-354

Coventry Carol (arrangement) two-part treble chorus, piano published by Lawson-Gould M70-344

Though You've No Pity (Sebben Crudele) (Caldara, arrangement) SATB chorus, a cappella

published by Lawson-Gould M70-35


                                                ADULT CHOIR:

Go Ask a Rainbow text by Richard Leach SATB chorus & harp or piano 4 min

Hope Is a Candle text by Richard Leach SAB adult choir, piano

More Sweet Than Auld Lang Syne (based on the new year’s song) 2-part adult choir, piano

published by Abingdon Press M300600178 CLICK TO LISTEN

A Song of ONE SATB adult choir, piano published by Neil A Kjos 9114   CLICK TO LISTEN

O Come O Come! additional text by Richard Leach SATB adult choir, piano

Perfect Love Casts Out Fear SATB adult choir, piano

One Little Word (original music combined with "A Mighty Fortress") SAB adult choir, piano

Go to Dark Gethsemane (arrangement) SAB adult choir, piano

God Will Provide a Lamb unaccompanied unison adult choir

Jesus on the Mountain two-part adult choir, piano

O Precious Blood (words & music by Tom Gervat, arrangement)

SAB adult choir, organ/piano, optional trumpet

The Lord is My Strength two-part adult choir, piano

The Trade unison/two-part adult choir, piano

This is My Commandment (arrangement) SAB choir, piano

                                       CHILDREN'S CHOIR & VBS:

Ezekiel! (arrangement of "EZEKIEL SAW THE WHEEL" and "DRY BONES") CLICK TO LISTEN

two-part treble chorus, piano published by Heritage Music 15/19927H  JW Pepper Editor’s Choice

Heaven unison children’s voices, piano CLICK TO VIEW

Jesus Didn't Come to Smell the Flowers unison/two-part children's choir, piano

The Cranky Song unison children’s voices, piano  CLICK TO VIEW

Two Men on a Road unison/two-part children's choir, piano

Welcome to God's Family two-part children's choir, piano

                                    SONGS FOR SOLO VOICE:

The Brother

Can You Help Me See the Sun?

Fig Leaf Rag

He Emptied Himself

I Didn't Know It Was You Lord

I Will Never Stop Saying the Name of Jesus

The Love Song of Mary Magdalene


Vittorio, the Ingrown Zucchini

The Woman Taken Into Adultery


Servant Leader Servant text by Richard Leach a cappella SATB adult choir, piano

Lord, Make Us One

We Are the Place for God to Live




Humility and Confidence (2013) video 16 min. CLICK TO VIEW

Five Strange Dreams of Philip Carey (2011) (texts by Philip Carey) 9 min.


Now Shall My Head Be Lifted Up Above My Enemies (Danny Velasco’s testimony) (2007) powerpoint with brass quintet 9 min. CLICK TO VIEW