I'm in this hole, because I have to be in this hole, because it's safe here. But it's dark here. They put
boards and dirt and grass on top of this hole, and I can't ever look out, because they'd find me. I have to
stay down, where it's safe and dark. Papa arranged it all. He paid the farmer, and then he left me. He
had to get away. I hope he got away. I have to keep loving my Papa, even though I can't see him. And
sometimes I sing to him... (SING) ...Like that.
I eat food they throw down. I have three blankets and three books, but not any candles. They'd see
them burning. I can see in the day. I can't see at night. But I see a star sometimes. I sleep on the straw.
I get half wet when it rains, but I don't drown, because they made a drain. This straw was put here for
me, but I don't know if this hole was dug here for me, or if it was here before. I think a lot of the time,
but I don't like to think. That's why I have to keep on singing... (SING)
Sometimes I hear voices: good voices and bad voices. I hear noises like machines and explosions,
and maybe even some screams. When I hear the screams, I close my eyes and my mouth tight. But
when it's safe to get out, I'm gonna run to my Papa and never leave, and always sing to him, not even
like I have to sing now, but happier than this... (SING)
There's a bucket that I use. I can smell the bucket all the time. And I can smell this hole too.
Sometimes I can even smell myself. Sometimes I get purple berries, but not today. One time I even
got some of their coffee. But I didn't like their coffee. I don't tell them that, because I don't talk to
them. Anyway my voice sounds strange, more like noises than words, except when I sing... (SING)
I've got three books: a book about animals, a book about Paris, and a prayer book, but I didn't learn
than language. Papa told me that one day I'd learn that language. It must mean something. Something
must mean something. It has to mean something. It can't all be like it is in this hole, all of the time. I look
at the letters: aleph beth. What if the roof breaks? I'm scared they'll find me. I'm scared they won't find
me. I just have to sing all the time... (SING)
But one day, when everything stops exploding, they'll take this roof off of me, and they'll tell me that
it's safe, and then they'll pull me all the way up. And I'm gonna walk all around up there, where it's
peace and light and safe. Then I'll be who I really am, instead of like I am now. And my Papa's gonna
come and bring me home. And we'll eat for at least three days, and always sing. Sing. I have to sing
like this for now... (SING) ...because I'm still in this hole.
performed by
Linda Ferreira, soprano
Anne Thurmond, clarinet
This piece is based on the true story of a survivor of the holocaust who wishes to remain
anonymous. His father paid a Polish farmer to hide him when he was a boy, and he was
hidden in a hole in the ground for 3 years. He was the only one of his family to survive.
included on the CD
Sound Portraits
Capstone Records CPS-8718
vocal music of William Vollinger
Linda Ferreira, soprano
Ann Thurmond, clarinet
Paul Thurmond, piano
words & music by William Vollinger ©2002
I was recently talking to my friend Jenn and for some reason
the conversation reminded me of an art song I heard two years
ago in an Ars Vitalis concert. The name of the piece is “The Child
in the Hole” by William Vollinger.
“The Child in the Hole” is based on a true story of a survivor of the holocaust. His father paid a Polish farmer to hide him when he was a boy and he was hidden in the hole for three years. The piece can be understood on two levels, the literal (a boy waiting for his father to return and rescue him) and allegorically (we all await
our Father to get us out of the holes we find or put ourselves in). This dramatically compelling song can be found on the Capstone Records album “Sound Portraits”. I highly recommend you look
for it, as it will affect you positively to remember and understand those who unjustly suffer in the world.
---May 8, 2008 blog by ALEX VALENCIA